Broken or smelly bedpan machine?

Report it now.

Smells in your sluice room or human waste bin storage are a sign of potential infection risks. Your organisation may be unaware that machines are in need of attention, but by reporting issues to us, the Haigh team will support a resolution.

Get in touch


Pulp medical products and complete waste disposal

  • Patient care: Minimise smells and associated HCAI risks
  • Cost: Save £’000s/year on waste management, and reach Net Zero faster
  • Compliance: Dependable sluice room up-time is infection control
  • Staffing: Caregivers prefer Panaway to washing bedpans
  • Logistics: Low risk upgrade path
Get in touch

Involved with toileting patients / residents?

Help us to help you.

If you are experiencing issues with yellow bags, nappy bins, slop hoppers, washing by hand, washer machines, bedpan or pad macerators, then get in touch. The Haigh team will support a resolution, safeguarding you, your team and your patients. 

Get in touch

Radically reduce the risk of infection and cross-contamination

Minimize infection risk in Sluice Rooms

Panaway bedpan disposal machines eliminate bedpan re-washing and dirty bottle build-up associated with long washer cycle times. Disposal ensures reliable, effective infection prevention, and the safeguarding of staff and patients that this brings.

Panaway DSPanaway M1

Upgrade your sluice room and save £’000s

Bedpan disposal machines use less energy than washers, costing only £50-£150* compared to £3,000-£5,000 to run per year. Panaway machines, from Haigh, are economical, energy efficient, and environmentally responsible. Try our Cost and Carbon Calculator to see what you could save.

*Assumptions, additional whole life cost figures, maintenance, water and consumables usage available online.

Panaway DSPanaway M1

energy saving

Save and reach Net Zero quicker

Sluice room up-time is infection control

sluice room uptime

Say hello to sluice room up-time

Achieve SLAs effortlessly with rapid response ‘moveable’ bedpan machines and ‘plug and go’ installation. New maceration technology makes drain issues a thing of the past, lowers infection risks, and eliminates sluice room downtime and stress.

Panaway DSPanaway M1

Caregivers prefer Panaway to washing bedpans

Panaway, and environmentally friendly disposable bedpans, bottles, commode pots and pans are the cleaner alternative to rewashing plastic and stainless steel items used for toileting immobile or incontinent residents. Rapid waste disposal reduces odours, lowers infection risks and frees up time for caregivers.  Panaway improves operational efficiencies and better patient care.

Other Haigh solutions available to help reduce yellow bag waste.

Panaway DSPanaway M1

Carers are happier using disposable medical pulp than washing pans

Upgrading from washers to Panaway is simple

Service and Support

Supplies, service and support

A site can be changed to use Panaway, at a pace that suits you – from a zero-risk trial or backup to existing washers, through to a full upgrade supported by the Haigh team.

A wide range of pulp products are readily and competitively available, either direct from the manufacturer or through your existing mainstream healthcare product suppliers.

Servicing and training for facilities management teams, spare parts, and maintenance schedules for macerators are widely available – and less demanding than for washers.

Panaway DSPanaway M1

Car Park Demo
The Panaway Docking Station (DS)

So simple we can show this to your team in your car park.

Find out more about the Panaway® Range

“We have been bowled over by the overwhelmingly positive feedback from Panaway M1 trials. This is the tool site operators wished they always had when it comes to patient waste and the associated infection prevention procedures.”
Jacob Shepherd, Managing Director at Haigh

“The Panaway trial scheme was exactly what we needed to test the transition to disposable pulp items. I’m thrilled – it’s facilitated our future!”
Manager, Private Care Home

“We’ve already seen some neat ways Panaway M1 has been used that were completely new to us and we are genuinely excited to see how this further develops over time.”

“This is a game changer. Machine breakdowns and maintenance can be better managed and staff can focus on what they do best – caring for our patients.”
Senior Link Nurse, NHS Hospital

“Even sites that do not currently use disposable pulp can see benefits without having to switch from washing systems all in one go.
Jacob Shepherd, Managing Director at Haigh

“I would recommend the Panaway to anyone supporting an immobile loved one at home. I’m not sure what we would have done without it!”
Private client (carer)